How is the transport from Johannesburg to Hoedspruit done?


Easiest option is the plane. There are only 2 airlines operating this route, namely CemAir and South African Airways. At 40min you are on the spot. Our host Sue will pick you up at the airport of Hoedspruit.

There are several private companies that provide transport by road. Ashton Tours provides a daily shuttle, which covers the route at fixed times.

Last but not uninteresting option is to rent a car that will pick you up at the airport. You can use this for the duration of your stay, or return it to Hoedspruit (subject to a surcharge). The advantage is that you can travel the 450km route at your own pace. If you just drive on, you will be in Hoedspruit in about 4 hours. The first 2 hours are on the highway, after that you dive into a beautiful mountain landscape to end up in the “lowveld”, the low country. Recommended to stop during the afternoon is Dullstroom. Here you can eat delicious fresh trout.

An international driving license is required.

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